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Welcome to our dedicated area for our unicorn visits

Whether you believe in unicorns or not our 13 hands white unicorn looks amazing whatever your age!

Arrange a special visit with our unicorn.

Visits can be booked anytime through this page.

Our unicorn visits take place outside.

£75.00 for up to 30 minutes.

£100.00 for up to 1 hour.

The visit allows our unicorn to be groomed and to have his mane plaited and to take plenty of photos of his visit.

Max of 6 children/adults around our unicorn at anyone time.

Unfortunately we can't let anyone sit on our unicorn.

During the winter months our Unicorns mane may not be brightly coloured but some colour will show.

We travel to following areas

North Leeds, Harrogate, Ripon, Thirsk, Easingwold, York & Wetherby.

A minimum of £10.00 travelling expenses applies due to us using a vehicle and horse trailer.

Please fill out the booking form below to book our unicorn

Unicorn Booking Form

Thank you for filling in this booking form, we will be intouch shortly

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